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About Us

We really like to fish! 


CVTU also puts "boots on the ground" in partnership with various conservation efforts.  Most recently, we've helped the Lewis Creek Association conserve river bank habitat, and we're working alongside the Lamoille County Conservation District on projects on the Brewster River.


For more than a decade, CVTU has sponsored Trout in the Classroom installations and activities in dozens of schools in Chittenden, Franklin and Addison Counties.  TIC students raise young trout through the winter months and release them in approved streams in the spring.


CVTU volunteers continue to support Scouts in the Boy Scout Fishing Merit Badge program.


If you have an idea for a project or partnership, contact the CVTU leadership!



Champlain Valley Chapter #138 of Trout Unlimited's mission is to Conserve, Protect, and Restore the coldwater fisheries and watersheds throughout Northwest and Central Vermont. We accomplish this through our membership's financial support and volunteer efforts. Our conservation projects and education programs are designed to improve and maintain viable trout waters and to help prepare future generations for responsible stewardship.  

CVTU works to ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater fish continue to thrive throughout Northwest and Central Vermont. In doing so, we will pass on healthy fisheries for the enjoyment of future generations.


Membership in CVTU Chapter #138 is open to anyone interested in conservation efforts, and is extended to Trout Unlimited members in good standing.​

CVTU works to ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater fish continue to thrive throughout Northwest and Central Vermont. In doing so, we will maintain healthy fisheries for the enjoyment of future generations.

©2024 by Champlain Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited.  
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